Monday, November 3, 2008

A God Encounter!

About a year ago, I was flipping through channels and happened upon the last half of a movie I think was called "Lunch with Jesus." I have been looking for that movie ever since because the very idea intrigued me on a deeper level than just casual movie-viewing. If you know the title or actors, or can point me in that direction, I'd really appreciate it . Anyway, today, I think I had my own "Breakfast with Jesus." Before I go on, I want to ask a question: have you ever wondered why, out of nowhere, you get the motivation to go somewhere, or do something so different that you stop and wonder, "Okay, Lord, what's this You're getting me into?" Well, this morning was one of those...

I have been getting over a sinus infection and wasn't feeling very well, so my plan for my day-off was just to stay in bed and nurse my aching head. Besides the pain, I've had no appetite (which, if anyone knows me, that's when I know I'm really sick!). This is relevant because, out of nowhere (so I thought) I suddenly had this craving for biscuits with sausage gravy, hash browns and scrambled eggs. This is highly, extremely unusual because 1. when I'm sick, I usually crave soup, 2. when I'm sick there's no way I'm in the mood to cook or eat any of this kind of stuff, and 3. I am not a breakfast person. Also, it was around 11:00 in the morning, well past breakfast time (but who out there knows that when you crave something, time of day doesn't matter?).

Anyway, since I wasn't in the mood to cook, but this craving kept hounding me, I dragged myself out of bed and decided to go out for a late breakfast. The dilemma was, who served breakfast this late and wasn't too far away from home? Bob Evans! They were about five minutes from home and they definitely did sausage gravy! Okay, that should have clued me in right there, because I haven't been to Bob Evans in about two and a half years, even though it's on my way to and from almost everywhere.

Okay, so I'm at Bob Evans and beginning to peruse the menu. Now remember what I was craving? Why is there something called a "Country Biscuit Breakfast" with everything I wanted, nothing more, nothing less, for under $5?!?!? Hint number 2--okay, that one helped me clue in that something wonderful was going to happen. So I just sat back to enjoy my breakfast and wait for whatever it was. Sure enough, as soon as I took my first bite, the woman in the booth across from me said, "Excuse me, but my granddaughter just looked over at your table and said, 'Yum, Grammy, yummm.' " I looked over and there is this adorable toddler beaming at me. Well, she (the grandmother) and I struck up a conversation throughout our meals and came to find out that she is starting a movies-with-a-message ministry, called, get this, "Steel Magnolias," only my favorite movie in the whole world!

Now, those of you who don't know me yet, I am a real movie buff, and my outspoken nature about the content of most of the movies out there has more than gotten on the nerves of many, yet I know there are more like me who feel the same way. What goes in, comes out, and that definitely goes for movies! Why would you want to pay good money to watch a movie that curses at you, shows you enough gore to make you want to never eat again, and flaunts that which is sacred for all the world to see? You're offended by it (or should be) when you see or hear it on the street or in your everyday interactions for free, so why pay for it??? I have written movie reviews that either recommend or dissuade viewing. I try to be as honest as possible, not hiding my feelings on whatever the subject matter of the movie...but I digress...

This woman and I sat and talked after we had finished eating for another half-hour or so about the goodness of the Lord and the various ministries in which the both of us were involved, and the only reason I left was because I was still not feeling well physically. My spirit was so refreshed and there was a genuine smile on my face that hadn't been there for a good minute. She prayed for me and promised to contact me, and invited me to their next gathering. I know where her church is, so I definitely intend to visit. Now you tell me, was that a set-up or what? There you have it, my period of encouragement brought to me by none other than the Lord Himself!

Lovingly shared,

The Psalmist

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