Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oooops, too bad!

You know, the devil is really stupid!

He keeps trying me and doesn't seem to recognize that I have been taught by some of the wisest saints around, and when their lessons don't apply to a particular situation, GOD Himself, through HIS SON, by HIS MOST HOLY SPIRIT is a Wonderful Counselor!

The month has only just begun, but it's been hellish already. No details, but on top of the emotional turmoil, my hormones have been in overdrive and anger seemed to be the emotion of the day, both from without and within. Crying and screaming for the last three days didn't do much to alleviate the situation; the problem was still there after all the emotional upheavals. So then I was right back at square one, only on top of things, I was emotionally imbalanced and hoarse.

I thought I had worked on the source of the problem, but as before, I was only treating the symptoms. Well today, I got to work on the source, and on top of it, I went into warfare mode--laying prayer, praise, worship and scripture at the root of the problem while I tackled some major physical work. I'm worn out, but so much better! I am going to sleep tonight! I have some heavy-duty spiritual warriors in my camp and we're going to knock the devil out with a one-two-three-four punch (see, a simple one-two punch is not going to bring this one down). We're bringing the triple threat right to his neighborhood. We're binding the strongman in his own house and not allowing him access to those areas ANYMORE!!!! HE shoulda known that the more he messed with the children of GOD that we were going to come back with Daddy, and he was going to get his butt whupped!!!!

I still have some other things to work on, but this one thing I know, and I stand on, "Nothing can separate me from the love of GOD. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from GOD’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of GOD that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord."

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